자바 만세력
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만세력(萬歲曆) The Almanac, Korean Eternal Calendar & Chinese New Year in JavaScript
세계 최초 최고의 책력은 배달나라(만주땅)의 동이족 출신인 태호(太昊) 복희(伏犧)가 만든 것으로, 처음에는 팔괘로 작성된 것으로 알려진다. 물론 사대주의자는 이에 대해 반대하겠지만 실상 동이족이 만든 것이 가장 최초이다. 이러한 만세력을 누구나 쉽게 이용할 수 있게끔 웹페이지용 자바스크립트로 만든 것으로, 여기에 년월을 입력하면 수만년간의 월별 달력을 볼 수 있으며, 기입 년도 앞에 " - "를 붙여 입력하면 기원전의 달력도 볼 수 있다. 또한 간지를 입력하면 기준년을 전후하여 10,000년간의 서력 해당 년도를 알 수 있으며, 양력 아래에는 음력 간지를 기원전부터 알 수 있게끔 작성하였으며, 출력된 내용을 프린터로 인쇄할 수 있다. 이것은 kalmanac.htm (母), kalmanhigh.htm (上), kalmanlow.htm (下)의 3개의 파일로 이루어져 있으며, 익스플로러(Explorer)와 넷스케이프(Netscape), 두 종류의 웹브라우져에서 똑같이 작동되는데, 유닉스(Unix)와 리눅스(Linux)에서도 작동되는 것으로 알고 있다. 작동 요령은 왼쪽 아래 년도 입력창에 년도를 기입하고 풀다운 리스트에서 달을 찾아 "달력" 단추를 누르면 해당 년월의 달력이 나오면서 해당 일에 맞추어 절기와 행사가 표시되며, 또한 그 옆의 좌우 화살표를 누르면 다음 달 또는 그 전 달이 표시된다. 그리고 그 오른쪽에는 60년간의 간지가 들어있는 풀다운 리스트에서 해당 간지를 찾아 "간지" 단추를 누르면 간지의 해당 년도와 띠가 표시된다. 예시는 "만세력 열기" 단추를 누르면 작은 창으로 나타나게 된다. 구분선 아래를 블록으로 복사하여 익스플의 메모장(Notepad) 편집기를 통하여 자신의 컴퓨터에 나누어 저장한 다음 그 파일을 열면 곧 작동된다. 주의 ! |
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</SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFCEE> <H2>만세력(萬歲曆) 자바스크립트<BR> <FONT SIZE=-1>The Almanac, Korean Eternal Calendar & Chinese New Year in JavaScript</FONT></H2> <FORM> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Open Almanac" onClick="kalmanac()"> </FORM> <BR><BR><B>set: (1) kalmanac.htm (2) kalmanhigh.htm (3) kalmanlow.htm </BODY> </HTML> ****************************** kalmanhigh.htm ************************************************************** <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Almanac High Frame : Ancient Art Homepage</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=FAF9F5> </BODY> </HTML> ****************************** kalmanlow.htm ************************************************************** <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Almanac Low Frame : Ancient Art Homepage</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- // ============================ // "The Almanac, Korean Eternal Calendar & Chinese New Year" // First Created : 2003-01-21 // Last Updated : 2004-05-22 // by Byon Kwang-Hyon(邊光賢) // http://www.AncientArt.co.kr/ // ============================ kan = new Array('甲','乙','丙','丁','戊','己','庚','辛','壬','癸') zhi = new Array('子','丑','寅','卯','辰','巳','午','未','申','酉','戌','亥') week = new Array('日','月','火','水','木','金','土') two = new Array('甲己','乙庚','丙辛','丁壬','戊癸') num = new Array('零','一','二','三','四','五','六','七','八','九','十','十一') han = new Array('正','二','三','四','五','六','七','八','九','十','十一','十二') zol = new Array('大雪','小寒','立春','驚蟄','淸明','立夏','芒種','小暑','立秋','白露','寒露','立冬') khi = new Array('冬至','大寒','雨水','春分','穀雨','小滿','夏至','大暑','處暑','秋分','霜降','小雪') animal = new Array('쥐','소','범','토끼','용','뱀','말','양','잔나비','닭','개','돼지') zhiTime = new Array( '子初','子正','丑初','丑正','寅初','寅正','卯初','卯正', '辰初','辰正','巳初','巳正','午初','午正','未初','未正', '申初','申正','酉初','酉正','戌初','戌正','亥初','亥正') allKanzhi = new Array( '甲子','乙丑','丙寅','丁卯','戊辰','己巳','庚午','辛未','壬申','癸酉', '甲戌','乙亥','丙子','丁丑','戊寅','己卯','庚辰','辛巳','壬午','癸未', '甲申','乙酉','丙戌','丁亥','戊子','己丑','庚寅','辛卯','壬辰','癸巳', '甲午','乙未','丙申','丁酉','戊戌','己亥','庚子','辛丑','壬寅','癸卯', '甲辰','乙巳','丙午','丁未','戊申','己酉','庚戌','辛亥','壬子','癸丑', '甲寅','乙卯','丙辰','丁巳','戊午','己未','庚申','辛酉','壬戌','癸亥') monthDates1 = new Array('31','29','31','30','31','30','31','31','30','31','30','31') // 366 dates monthDates2 = new Array('31','28','31','30','31','30','31','31','30','31','30','31') // 365 dates //===== 음력 정월 초하루 일자. 1864: 高宗 元年 上元 甲子. asiYear = new Array('18640208','18650127','18660215','18670205','18680125','18690211','18700131', '18710219','18720209','18730129','18740217','18750206','18760126','18770213','18780202','18790122','18800210', '18810130','18820218','18830208','18840128','18850215','18860204','18870124','18880212','18890131','18900121', '18910209','18920130','18930217','18940206','18950126','18960213','18970202','18980122','18990210','19000131', '19010219','19020208','19030129','19040216','19050204','19060125','19070213','19080202','19090122','19100210', '19110130','19120218','19130206','19140126','19150214','19160204','19170123','19180211','19190201','19200220', '19210208','19220128','19230216','19240205','19250124','19260213','19270202','19280123','19290210','19300130', '19310217','19320206','19330126','19340214','19350204','19360124','19370211','19380131','19390219','19400208', '19410127','19420215','19430205','19440126','19450213','19460202','19470122','19480210','19490129','19500217', '19510206','19520127','19530214','19540204','19550124','19560212','19570131','19580219','19590208','19600128', '19610215','19620205','19630125','19640213','19650202','19660122','19670209','19680130','19690217','19700206', '19710127','19720215','19730203','19740123','19750211','19760131','19770218','19780207','19790128','19800216', '19810205','19820125','19830213','19840202','19850220','19860209','19870129','19880218','19890206','19900127', '19910215','19920204','19930123','19940210','19950131','19960219','19970208','19980128','19990216','20000205', '20010124','20020212','20030201','20040122','20050209','20060129','20070218','20080207','20090126','20100214', '20110203','20120123','20130210','20140131','20150219','20160208','20170128','20180216','20190205','20200125', '20210212','20220201','20230122','20240210','20250129','20260217','20270207','20280127','20290213','20300203', '20310123','20320211','20330131','20340219','20350208','20360128','20370215','20380204','20390124','20400212') // === seasonal memorial dates === chusok = new Array('20030911','20040928','20051017','20061006','20070925','20080914','20091003','20100922') // 秋夕 // 24 절기 일자(1941~,1951~,1961~,1971~,1981~,1991~,2001~,2011~,2021~,2031~2040) sohan = new Array('6666666666','6666665666','5666566656','6656665666','5666566655', '6655665566','5566556655','6655665566','5566555655','5655565556') // 小寒 0105, 0106; dehan = new Array('0111011101','1100110011','0011001100','1100110011','0011000100', '0100010001','0001000100','0100010000','0000000000','0000000000') // 大寒 0120, 0121; ipchun = new Array('4455445544','5544454445','4445444544','4544454445','4445444444', '4444444444','4444444444','4444444444','3444344434','4434443444') // 立春 0203, 0204, 0205; usu = new Array('9990999099','9099909999','9999999999','9999999999','9999999999', '9999998999','8999899989','9989998999','8999899988','9988998899') // 雨水 0218, 0219, 0220; gyongchip = new Array('6666666666','6666656665','6665666566','6566656665','6665666556', '6556655665','5665566556','6556655665','5565556555','6555655565') // 驚蟄 0305, 0306; chunbun = new Array('1111111111','1111111110','1110111011','1011101110','1110111011', '1001100110','0110011001','1001100110','0110001000','1000100010') // 春分 0320, 0221; chongmyong = new Array('5565556555','5555555555','5555555555','5555555555','5554555455', '5455545554','5554555455','5455544554','4554455445','5445544554') // 淸明 0404, 0405; gogu = new Array('0110011001','1001100010','0010001000','1000100910','0010000000', '0000000000','0000000000','0000000009','0009000900','0900090009') // 穀雨 0419, 0420, 0421; ipha = new Array('6666666566','6566656665','6665666566','6566656665','5665566556', '6556655665','5665566555','6555655565','5565556555','6555655565') // 立夏 0505, 0506; soman = new Array('1221122112','2111211121','1121112111','2111211121','1121111111', '1111111111','1111111111','1111101110','1110111011','1011101110') // 小滿 0520, 0521, 0522; mangzong = new Array('6666666666','6666666666','6666666666','6566656665','6665666566', '6566656665','5665566556','6556655665','5665566555','6555655565') // 芒種 0605, 0506; hazhi = new Array('2221222122','2122212221','2221122112','2112211221','1221122112', '2111211121','1121112111','2111211121','1111111111','1111111111') // 夏至 0621, 0622, 0623; sosoe = new Array('7887788778','8778877887','7787778777','8777877787','7787778777', '7777777777','7777777777','7777777777','7776777677','7677767776') // 小暑 0706, 0707, 0708; desoe = new Array('3343334333','4333433333','3333333333','3333333333','3333333233', '3233323332','3332333233','3233323332','2332233223','3223322332') // 大暑 0722, 0723, 0724; ipchu = new Array('8888888888','8788878887','8887888788','8788878887','7887788778', '8778877887','7887788777','8777877787','7787778777','8777877787') // 立秋 0807, 0808; chosoe = new Array('3443344334','4334433443','3443334333','4333433343','3343334333', '4333333333','3333333333','3333333333','3332333233','3233323332') // 處暑 0822, 0823, 0824; begro = new Array('8888888888','8888888888','8887888788','8788878887','8887888788', '8788877887','7887788778','8778877887','7887778777','8777877787') // 白露 0907, 0908; chubun = new Array('3443344333','4333433343','3343334333','4333433343','3333333333', '3333333333','3333333333','3233323332','3332333233','3233323332') // 秋分 0922, 0923, 0924; hanro = new Array('9998999899','9889988998','8998899889','9889988998','8998889888', '9888988898','8898889888','9888888888','8888888888','8888888888') // 寒露 1008, 1009; sanggang = new Array('4443444344','4344434443','4443444334','4334433443','3443344334', '4334433343','3343334333','4333433343','3343334333','3333333333') // 霜降 1022, 1023, 1024; ipdong = new Array('8887888788','8788878887','8887888778','8778877887','7887788778', '8778877887','7787778777','8777877787','7787778777','8777777777') // 立冬 1107, 1108; sosol = new Array('3332333233','3223322332','2332233223','3223322332','2332223222', '3222322232','2232223222','3222322222','2222222222','2222222222') // 小雪 1122, 1123; desol = new Array('7887788778','8778877787','7787778777','8777877787','7787778777', '7777777777','7777777777','7777777777','7777777677','7677767776') // 大雪 1206, 1207, 1208; dongzhi = new Array('2232223222','3222322222','2222222222','2222222222','2222222222', '2122212221','2221222122','2122212221','2221222112','2112211221') // 冬至 1221, 1222, 1223; timerRunning = false timerID = null function stopClock() { if(timerRunning) clearTimeout(timerID) timerRunning = false } // === get the memorial dates === function getMemoDate() { // === set the memorial dates of every year === md = new Array() md['0101'] = " / 新正" // 서력설날 if(millYear > 1950) { md['0301'] = " / 三一" // 삼일절 md['0405'] = " / 植木" // 식목일 md['0505'] = " / 兒童" // 어린이날 md['0508'] = " / 父母" // 어버이날 md['0515'] = " / 先生" // 스승의날 md['0606'] = " / 顯忠" // 현충일 md['0717'] = " / 制憲" // 제헌절 md['0815'] = " / 光復" // 광복절 md['1003'] = " / 開天" // 개천절 md['1009'] = " / 한글" // 한글날 md['1103'] = " / 學生" // 학생의날 md['1225'] = " / 聖誕" // 예수탄생일 } // 위를 md, 아래를 mmd 등으로 구분하고 합칠 수도 있으나 화면효과상 아래것 // 하나만 나오게 하고, 또한 미리 정해놓은 년도 이외의 것에 대한 오류를 방지한다. // === set Asian(or Chinese) New Year === if((millYear >= 1864) && (millYear <= 2040)) { asiNum = eval(millYear - 1864) asiDate = asiYear[asiNum].substring(4) md[asiDate] = " / 설날" } else { asiNum = 0 asiDate = asiYear[asiNum].substring(4) md[asiDate] = "" } if((millYear >= 2003) && (millYear <= 2010)) { chusokNum = eval(millYear - 2003) chusokDate = chusok[chusokNum].substring(4) md[chusokDate] = " / 秋夕" } else { chusokNum = 0 chusokDate = chusok[chusokNum].substring(4) md[chusokDate] = "" } // === only this year === if(millYear == 2004) { md['0526'] = " / 釋誕" } // 석가탄신일 // === set the 24 seasons dates === if((millYear > 1940) && (millYear < 2041)) { yearNum1 = parseInt((millYear - 1941) / 10 + 1, 10) - 1 yearNum2 = parseInt((millYear - 1941) % 10 + 1, 10) - 1 sohanDate = sohan[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) dehanDate = dehan[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) ipchunDate = ipchun[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) usuDate = usu[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) gyongchipDate = gyongchip[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) chunbunDate = chunbun[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) chongmyongDate = chongmyong[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) goguDate = gogu[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) iphaDate = ipha[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) somanDate = soman[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) mangzongDate = mangzong[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) hazhiDate = hazhi[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) sosoeDate = sosoe[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) desoeDate = desoe[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) ipchuDate = ipchu[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) chosoeDate = chosoe[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) begroDate = begro[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) chubunDate = chubun[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) hanroDate = hanro[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) sanggangDate = sanggang[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) ipdongDate = ipdong[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) sosolDate = sosol[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) desolDate = desol[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) dongzhiDate = dongzhi[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2) md['010'+sohanDate] = " / 小寒" md['012'+dehanDate] = " / 大寒" md['020'+ipchunDate] = " / 立春" if(usu[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2)==0) { md['022'+usuDate] = " / 雨水" } // 20일인 경우 else { md['021'+usuDate] = " / 雨水" } // 18, 19일인 경우 md['030'+gyongchipDate] = " / 驚蟄" md['032'+chunbunDate] = " / 春分" md['040'+chongmyongDate] = " / 淸明" if(gogu[yearNum1].charAt(yearNum2)==9) { md['041'+goguDate] = " / 穀雨" } // 19일인 경우 else { md['042'+goguDate] = " / 穀雨" } // 20, 21일인 경우 md['050'+iphaDate] = " / 立夏" md['052'+somanDate] = " / 小滿" md['060'+mangzongDate] = " / 芒種" md['062'+hazhiDate] = " / 夏至" md['070'+sosoeDate] = " / 小暑" md['072'+desoeDate] = " / 大暑" md['080'+ipchuDate] = " / 立秋" md['082'+chosoeDate] = " / 處暑" md['090'+begroDate] = " / 白露" md['092'+chubunDate] = " / 秋分" md['100'+hanroDate] = " / 寒露" md['102'+sanggangDate] = " / 霜降" md['110'+ipdongDate] = " / 立冬" md['112'+sosolDate] = " / 小雪" md['120'+desolDate] = " / 大雪" md['122'+dongzhiDate] = " / 冬至" } else { yearNum1=0; yearNum2=0; sohanDate=0; md[sohanDate]=''; } } // === get the first days & first date's kanzhi === function getFirstDayYear() { if(millYear > 0) { addDates1 = parseInt((millYear-1) / 4 + 1, 10) - 1 addDates2 = parseInt((millYear-1) / 100 + 1, 10) - 1 addDates3 = parseInt((millYear-1) / 400 + 1, 10) - 1 // 전년도까지 계산. Unix, Netscape에서의 NaN을 방지. sumYearDates = 365 * (millYear-1) + addDates1 - addDates2 + addDates3 // 평년에 윤년일자 가산. sumYearMonths = 12 * (millYear-1) + month // 원년부터의 총월수는 전년도까지의 월수에 당해년도의 당월까지 합산. addDays = parseInt(sumYearDates % 7, 10) // 총일수를 일주일씩 나눠 매년 증가되는 요일을 계산. startDay = 1 // 서기 1년은 월요일(1)부터 시작. firstDayYear = ((startDay+addDays)>6) ? (startDay+addDays-7) : (startDay+addDays) // 원년 초하루 요일에 매년 초하루에서의 증가된 요일을 가산. sumMonthDates = 0 // 올해의 지나간 총일수 합계 초기화. for(i=0; i<(month-1); i++) { if(((millYear % 4 == 0) && (millYear % 100 != 0)) || (millYear % 400 == 0)) { sumMonthDates += eval(monthDates1[i]) } // 윤년 당해년도에 전월까지의 총일수. else { sumMonthDates += eval(monthDates2[i]) } // 평년 당해년도에 전월까지의 총일수. } } else if(millYear < 0) { addDates1 = parseInt((millYear-1+1) / 4 - 1, 10) + 1 addDates2 = parseInt((millYear-1+1) / 100 - 1, 10) + 1 addDates3 = parseInt((millYear-1+1) / 400 - 1, 10) + 1 // 전년도까지에 0년 삭제. Unix, Netscape에서의 NaN을 방지. sumYearDates = 365 * (millYear-1+1) + addDates1 - addDates2 + addDates3 sumYearMonths = 12 * (millYear-1+1) + month addDays = 7 + parseInt(sumYearDates % 7, 10) startDay = 1 firstDayYear = ((startDay+addDays)>6) ? (startDay+addDays-7) : (startDay+addDays) sumMonthDates = 0 for(i=0; i<(month-1); i++) { if(((millYear % 4 == 0) && (millYear % 100 != 0)) || (millYear % 400 == 0)) { sumMonthDates += eval(monthDates1[i]) } else { sumMonthDates += eval(monthDates2[i]) } } } } // === get the Gregorian's months & dates & days === function getFirstDayMonth() { if (month == 1) { monthDates = 31 } else if(month == 2) { if(((millYear % 4 == 0) && (millYear % 100 != 0)) || (millYear % 400 == 0)) { monthDates = 29 } else { monthDates = 28 } } else if(month == 3) { monthDates = 31 } else if(month == 4) { monthDates = 30 } else if(month == 5) { monthDates = 31 } else if(month == 6) { monthDates = 30 } else if(month == 7) { monthDates = 31 } else if(month == 8) { monthDates = 31 } else if(month == 9) { monthDates = 30 } else if(month == 10) { monthDates = 31 } else if(month == 11) { monthDates = 30 } else if(month == 12) { monthDates = 31 } if(((millYear % 4 == 0) && (millYear % 100 != 0)) || (millYear % 400 == 0)) { if (month == 1) { firstDayMonth = firstDayYear } else if(month == 2) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+3)>6) ? (firstDayYear+3)-7 : (firstDayYear+3) } else if(month == 3) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+4)>6) ? (firstDayYear+4)-7 : (firstDayYear+4) } else if(month == 4) { firstDayMonth = firstDayYear } else if(month == 5) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+2)>6) ? (firstDayYear+2)-7 : (firstDayYear+2) } else if(month == 6) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+5)>6) ? (firstDayYear+5)-7 : (firstDayYear+5) } else if(month == 7) { firstDayMonth = firstDayYear } else if(month == 8) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+3)>6) ? (firstDayYear+3)-7 : (firstDayYear+3) } else if(month == 9) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+6)>6) ? (firstDayYear+6)-7 : (firstDayYear+6) } else if(month == 10) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+1)>6) ? (firstDayYear+1)-7 : (firstDayYear+1) } else if(month == 11) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+4)>6) ? (firstDayYear+4)-7 : (firstDayYear+4) } else if(month == 12) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+6)>6) ? (firstDayYear+6)-7 : (firstDayYear+6) } } else { if (month == 1) { firstDayMonth = firstDayYear } else if(month == 2) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+3)>6) ? (firstDayYear+3)-7 : (firstDayYear+3) } else if(month == 3) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+3)>6) ? (firstDayYear+3)-7 : (firstDayYear+3) } else if(month == 4) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+6)>6) ? (firstDayYear+6)-7 : (firstDayYear+6) } else if(month == 5) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+1)>6) ? (firstDayYear+1)-7 : (firstDayYear+1) } else if(month == 6) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+4)>6) ? (firstDayYear+4)-7 : (firstDayYear+4) } else if(month == 7) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+6)>6) ? (firstDayYear+6)-7 : (firstDayYear+6) } else if(month == 8) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+2)>6) ? (firstDayYear+2)-7 : (firstDayYear+2) } else if(month == 9) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+5)>6) ? (firstDayYear+5)-7 : (firstDayYear+5) } else if(month == 10) { firstDayMonth = firstDayYear } else if(month == 11) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+3)>6) ? (firstDayYear+3)-7 : (firstDayYear+3) } else if(month == 12) { firstDayMonth = ((firstDayYear+5)>6) ? (firstDayYear+5)-7 : (firstDayYear+5) } } lastDayMonth1 = firstDayMonth + parseInt(31 % 7, 10) - 1 lastDayMonth2 = firstDayMonth + parseInt(30 % 7, 10) - 1 lastDayMonth3 = firstDayMonth + parseInt(28 % 7, 10) - 1 if (monthDates == 31) { lastDayMonth = (lastDayMonth1 > 6) ? (lastDayMonth1 - 7) : lastDayMonth1 } else if(monthDates == 30) { lastDayMonth = (lastDayMonth2 > 6) ? (lastDayMonth2 - 7) : lastDayMonth2 } else if(monthDates == 28) { lastDayMonth = lastDayMonth3 } else { lastDayMonth = firstDayMonth } } // === get the Kanzhi & Danki === function getAllKanzhi() { baseMonthKanzhi = 24 baseDateKanzhi = 14 // 이 간지 번호는 만세력의 원년을 알 수 없기에, 현재 달력의 60 갑자 주기를 기준으로 하여 // 계산을 통하여 얻어진 것으로, 원래는 만세력의 원년으로 알려진 甲子年 丙寅月 甲子日 甲子時를 // 그레고리 태양력으로 환산한 년도인 -2697년 봄 甲子日부터 계산하여야 한다. 그런데 기원전 // 2697년 초의 갑자일은 乙丑月(陰曆으로 丙寅月) 1월 25일로 계산되어진다. thisYearKanzhi = parseInt((millYear - 4) % 60, 10) thisYearAnimal = parseInt((millYear - 4) % 12, 10) // 서기전 10017년, 9957년, 서기후 4년, 1984년이 갑자년. kanzhiNum = ((60+thisYearKanzhi)>59) ? (parseInt((60+thisYearKanzhi)%60,10)) : (60+thisYearKanzhi) aniNum = ((12+thisYearAnimal)>11) ? (parseInt((12+thisYearAnimal)%12,10)) : (12+thisYearAnimal) kanzhi = allKanzhi[kanzhiNum] animalZhi = animal[aniNum] monthKanzhi = 60 + parseInt(sumYearMonths % 60, 10) // 기준년부터 당해년도의 당월까지 합산된 총 월수의 간지. monthKanzhiNum = ((baseMonthKanzhi+monthKanzhi)>59) ? (parseInt((baseMonthKanzhi+monthKanzhi)%60,10)) : (baseMonthKanzhi+monthKanzhi) // 당월 간지. 월수 기준 간지에 당월까지의 간지수 합산. dateKanzhi = parseInt((sumYearDates + sumMonthDates + 1) % 60, 10) // 기준년부터 당해년도의 당월, 당일까지 합산된 총 일수의 간지. firstDateKanzhiNum = ((baseDateKanzhi+dateKanzhi)>59) ? (parseInt((baseDateKanzhi+dateKanzhi)%60,10)) : (baseDateKanzhi+dateKanzhi) // 당월 초하루 간지. 일수 기준 간지에 당월 초하루까지의 간지수 합산. todayKanzhiNum = ((firstDateKanzhiNum+dates-1)>59) ? (parseInt((firstDateKanzhiNum+dates-1)%60,10)) : (firstDateKanzhiNum+dates-1) // 당일 간지. 당월 초하루에 당일자를 합산하면서 하루를 뺀다. if(millYear < 0) { if(millYear < -2333) { danki = eval(millYear) + 2333 } else { danki = eval(millYear) + 2333 + 1 } } else { danki = eval(millYear) + 2333 } // 단기 0년과 서기 0년을 없앤다. } function showCalendar() { timeObj = parent.highframe timeObj.document.open() timeObj.document.write('<BODY BGCOLOR=FAF9F5><CENTER>') timeObj.document.write('<TABLE HEIGHT=380 CELLPADDING=3 border=1>') timeObj.document.write('<TR><TH HEIGHT=25 BGCOLOR=ECECDB COLSPAN=7>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=궁서 SIZE=+2>' + millYear + '</FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=굴림>年 </FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=궁서 SIZE=+2>' + month + '</FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=굴림>月 </FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=궁서 SIZE=+2>' + dates + '</FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=굴림>日 </FONT> ') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=굴림>( 檀紀 ' + danki + '年 ') timeObj.document.write(kanzhi + '年 ' + allKanzhi[monthKanzhiNum] + '月 ') timeObj.document.write(allKanzhi[todayKanzhiNum] + '日 )</FONT>') timeObj.document.write('</TH></TR><TR>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20><FONT COLOR=0080C0>日</FONT></TH>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20>月</TH>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20>火</TH>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20>水</TH>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20>木</TH>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20>金</TH>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20><FONT COLOR=0080C0>土</FONT></TH>') col = 0 timeObj.document.write('<TR>') // === make the empty cells before the first day of this month === for(i=0; i<firstDayMonth; i++) { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=ECECDB ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=ECECDB>*</FONT></TD>') col++ } // === make the month table === for(i=1; i<=monthDates; i++) { j = ((i+firstDateKanzhiNum-1)>59) ? (parseInt((i+firstDateKanzhiNum-1)%60,10)) : (i+firstDateKanzhiNum-1) // 0부터 시작 k = (j < 0) ? (60 + j) : j intDate = ((i < 10) ? '0' : '') + i memoDate = millMonth + intDate // === get the memorial dates === getMemoDate() // === write the calendar table with colored cell === if(i == dates) { if(md[memoDate] != null) { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=ABB4B4 VALIGN=top ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=EFEFEF SIZE=+1><B>' + i + '</B></FONT><BR>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=EFEFEF SIZE=-1>' + allKanzhi[k] + '</FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=EFEFEF SIZE=-1>' + md[memoDate] + '</FONT></TD>') } else { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=ABB4B4 VALIGN=top ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=EFEFEF SIZE=+1><B>' + i + '</B></FONT><BR>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=EFEFEF SIZE=-1>' + allKanzhi[k] + '</FONT></TD>') } } else if(col == 0 || col == 6) { if(md[memoDate] != null) { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=F2F3EB VALIGN=top ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=0080C0 SIZE=+1><B>' + i + '</B></FONT><BR>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>' + allKanzhi[k] + '</FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>' + md[memoDate] + '</FONT></TD>') } else { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=F2F3EB VALIGN=top ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=0080C0 SIZE=+1><B>' + i + '</B></FONT><BR>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>' + allKanzhi[k] + '</FONT></TD>') } } else { if(md[memoDate] != null) { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=ECECDB VALIGN=top ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=black SIZE=+1><B>' + i + '</B></FONT><BR>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>' + allKanzhi[k] + '</FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>' + md[memoDate] + '</FONT></TD>') } else { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=ECECDB VALIGN=top ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=black SIZE=+1><B>' + i + '</B></FONT><BR>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>' + allKanzhi[k] + '</FONT></TD>') } } col++ if(col == 7) { timeObj.document.write('</TR>') col = 0 } } // === make the empty cells after the last day of this month === for(i=6; i>lastDayMonth; i--) { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=ECECDB ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=ECECDB>*</FONT></TD>') } timeObj.document.write('</TR>') // === make the empty cells of the last row === if((firstDayMonth+monthDates) < 36) { timeObj.document.write('<TR>') for(i=0; i<7; i++) { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=ECECDB ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=ECECDB>*</FONT></TD>') } timeObj.document.write('</TR>') } timeObj.document.write('</TABLE><BR>') timeObj.document.write('</CENTER></BODY>') timeObj.document.close() } function showKanzhiCalendar() { timeObj = parent.highframe timeObj.document.open() timeObj.document.write('<BODY BGCOLOR=FAF9F5><CENTER>') timeObj.document.write('<TABLE HEIGHT=380 CELLPADDING=3 border=1>') timeObj.document.write('<TR><TH HEIGHT=25 BGCOLOR=ECECDB COLSPAN=7>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=궁서 SIZE=+2>' + millYear + '</FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=굴림>年 </FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=궁서 SIZE=+2>' + month + '</FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=굴림>月 </FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=굴림>( 檀紀 ' + danki + '年 ') timeObj.document.write(kanzhi + '年 ' + allKanzhi[monthKanzhiNum] + '月)</FONT>') timeObj.document.write('</TH></TR><TR>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20><FONT COLOR=0080C0>日</FONT></TH>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20>月</TH>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20>火</TH>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20>水</TH>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20>木</TH>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20>金</TH>') timeObj.document.write('<TH BGCOLOR=C2B78D WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20><FONT COLOR=0080C0>土</FONT></TH>') col = 0 timeObj.document.write('<TR>') // === make the empty cells before the first day of this month === for(i=0; i<firstDayMonth; i++) { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=ECECDB ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=ECECDB>*</FONT></TD>') col++ } // === make the calendar table === for(i=1; i<=monthDates; i++) { j = ((i+firstDateKanzhiNum-1)>59) ? (parseInt((i+firstDateKanzhiNum-1)%60,10)) : (i+firstDateKanzhiNum-1) k = (j < 0) ? (60 + j) : j intDate = ((i < 10) ? '0' : '') + i memoDate = millMonth + intDate // === get the memorial dates === getMemoDate() // === write the calendar table with colored cell === if(col == 0 || col == 6) { if(md[memoDate] != null) { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=F2F3EB VALIGN=top ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=0080C0 SIZE=+1><B>' + i + '</B></FONT><BR>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>' + allKanzhi[k] + '</FONT>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>' + md[memoDate] + '</FONT></TD>') } else { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=F2F3EB VALIGN=top ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=0080C0 SIZE=+1><B>' + i + '</B></FONT><BR>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>' + allKanzhi[k] + '</FONT></TD>') } } else { if(md[memoDate] != null) { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=ECECDB VALIGN=top ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=black SIZE=+1><B>' + i + '</B></FONT><BR>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>' + allKanzhi[k] + '</FONT> ') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>' + md[memoDate] + '</FONT></TD>') } else { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=ECECDB VALIGN=top ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=black SIZE=+1><B>' + i + '</B></FONT><BR>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>' + allKanzhi[k] + '</FONT></TD>') } } col++ if(col == 7) { timeObj.document.write('</TR>') col = 0 } } // === make the empty cells after the last day of this month === for(i=6; i>lastDayMonth; i--) { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=ECECDB ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=ECECDB>*</FONT></TD>') } timeObj.document.write('</TR>') if((firstDayMonth+monthDates) < 36) { timeObj.document.write('<TR>') for(i=0; i<7; i++) { timeObj.document.write('<TD HEIGHT=45 BGCOLOR=ECECDB ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT COLOR=ECECDB>*</FONT></TD>') } timeObj.document.write('</TR>') } timeObj.document.write('</TABLE><BR>') timeObj.document.write('</CENTER></BODY>') timeObj.document.close() } // === write the kanzhi Time === function showKanzhiHour() { stopClock() // === get the independant kanzhis and hours in the current times === current = new Date() year = current.getYear() months = current.getMonth() dates = current.getDate() days = current.getDay() hours = current.getHours() minutes = current.getMinutes() seconds = current.getSeconds() years = (year < 2000) ? (1900 + year) : year month = months + 1 yon1 = parseInt((years+2333) / 1000, 10) yon2 = parseInt((years+2333) % 1000 / 100, 10) yon3 = parseInt((years+2333) % 100 / 10, 10) yon4 = parseInt((years+2333) % 10, 10) yearYon = num[yon1] + num[yon2] + num[yon3] + num[yon4] addDates1 = parseInt((years-1) / 4 + 1, 10) - 1 addDates2 = parseInt((years-1) / 100 + 1, 10) - 1 addDates3 = parseInt((years-1) / 400 + 1, 10) - 1 sYDates = 365 * (years-1) + addDates1 - addDates2 + addDates3 sMDates = 0 for(i=0; i<months; i++) { if(((years % 4 == 0) && (years % 100 != 0)) || (years % 400 == 0)) { sMDates += eval(monthDates1[i]) } else { sMDates += eval(monthDates2[i]) } } tYKanzhi = parseInt((years-4) % 60, 10) kNum = ((60+tYKanzhi)>59) ? (parseInt((60+tYKanzhi)%60,10)) : (60+tYKanzhi) mKanzhi = 60 + parseInt((12 * (years-1) + month) % 60, 10) mKNum = ((24+mKanzhi)>59) ? (parseInt((24+mKanzhi)%60,10)) : (24+mKanzhi) dKanzhi = parseInt((sYDates + sMDates + 1) % 60, 10) fDKNum = ((14+dKanzhi)>59) ? (parseInt((14+dKanzhi)%60,10)) : (14+dKanzhi) tKNum = ((fDKNum+dates-1)>59) ? (parseInt((fDKNum+dates-1)%60,10)) : (fDKNum+dates-1) dateAm = (hours >= 12) ? (' 午後 ') : (' 午前 ') dateHour = (hours > 12) ? (hours - 12) : (hours) baseTimeKanzhi = 9 shiKanzhi = allKanzhi[parseInt(((tKNum % 5) * 12 + ((hours+1) / 2)) % 60, 10) ] shicho = (parseInt(hours % 2, 10) == 1) ? ('初') : ('正') gak = parseInt(minutes / 15 + 1, 10) // extract '0' minute. bun = parseInt(minutes % 15 + 1, 10) bun1 = parseInt((minutes % 15) / 10 + 1, 10) bun2 = parseInt((minutes % 15) % 10 + 1, 10) minuBun = (bun > 10) ? (num[10] + num[bun2]) : (num[bun2]) // === write the kanzhi Hour Table === timeObj = parent.highframe timeObj.document.open() timeObj.document.write('<BODY BGCOLOR=FAF9F5><CENTER>') timeObj.document.write('<TABLE WIDTH=600 CELLPADDING=5 border=1>') timeObj.document.write('<TR><TH BGCOLOR=EFEFEF>') timeObj.document.write('現在 時刻') timeObj.document.write('</TH></TR><TR><TH>') timeObj.document.write('<B>西紀 ' + years + '年 ' + month + '月 ' + dates + '日 ' + week[days] + '曜日 ') timeObj.document.write(dateAm + dateHour + '時 ' + minutes + '分 ' + seconds + '秒 ') timeObj.document.write('</TH></TR><TR><TH>') timeObj.document.write('檀紀 ' + yearYon + '年 ' + allKanzhi[kNum] + '年 ') timeObj.document.write(allKanzhi[mKNum] + '月 ' + allKanzhi[tKNum] + '日 ') timeObj.document.write(shiKanzhi + shicho + '時 ' + num[gak] + '刻 ' + minuBun + '分') timeObj.document.write('</TH></TR></TABLE>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1>支는 二時間, 初와 正은 各一時間, ') timeObj.document.write('一時間은 四刻, 一刻은 十五分, 一分은 陰陽同</FONT><BR><BR>') timeObj.document.write('<TABLE WIDTH=600 CELLPADDING=5 border=1>') timeObj.document.write('<TR><TH COLSPAN=8 BGCOLOR=EFEFEF>') timeObj.document.write('十二支時刻解') timeObj.document.write('</TH></TR><TR>') col = 0 for(i=0; i<24; i++) { datePm = ((i - 1 + 12) > 11) && ((i - 1 + 12) < 24) ? (' 午前 ') : (' 午後 ') di = parseInt(((i - 1 - 12) + 24) % 12, 10) diHan = num[di] timeObj.document.write('<TD ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=-1>' + zhiTime[i] + '</FONT></TD>') timeObj.document.write('<TD ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=-1>' + datePm + diHan + '時 </FONT></TD>') col++ if(col == 4) { timeObj.document.write('</TR>') col = 0 } } timeObj.document.write('</TR>') timeObj.document.write('</TABLE>') timeObj.document.write('</CENTER>') timeObj.document.close() timerID = setTimeout('showKanzhiHour()', 100) timerRunning = true } function showWolgon() { stopClock() timeObj = parent.highframe timeObj.document.open() timeObj.document.write('<BODY BGCOLOR=FAF9F5><CENTER>') // === write the Date kanzhi List === timeObj.document.write('<B>日辰早見表</B>') timeObj.document.write('<TABLE WIDTH=600 CELLPADDING=5 border=1><TR>') timeObj.document.write('<TD BGCOLOR=EFEFEF ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=-1>日時</FONT></TD>') for(i=0; i<12; i++) { timeObj.document.write('<TD BGCOLOR=EFEFEF><FONT SIZE=-1>' + zhi[i] + '時</FONT></TD>') } timeObj.document.write('</TR>') col = 0 low = 0 timeObj.document.write('<TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1>' + two[0] + '日</FONT></TD>') for(i=0; i<60; i++) { timeObj.document.write('<TD ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=-1>' + allKanzhi[i] + '</FONT></TD>') col++ if(col == 12) { timeObj.document.write('</TR>') col = 0 low++ if(low < 5) { timeObj.document.write('<TR><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=-1>' + two[low] + '日</FONT></TD>') } } } timeObj.document.write('</TR></TABLE>') // === write the Month kanzhi List === timeObj.document.write('<B>月建早見表</B>') timeObj.document.write('<TABLE WIDTH=600 CELLPADDING=5 border=1><TR>') timeObj.document.write('<TD BGCOLOR=EFEFEF ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=-1>年月</FONT></TD>') for(i=0; i<12; i++) { timeObj.document.write('<TD BGCOLOR=EFEFEF ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=-1>' + han[i] + '</FONT></TD>') } timeObj.document.write('</TR>') col = 0 low = 0 timeObj.document.write('<TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1>' + two[0] + '年</FONT></TD>') for(i=0; i<60; i++) { mk = parseInt((60 + i + 2) % 60, 10) timeObj.document.write('<TD ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=-1>' + allKanzhi[mk] + '</FONT></TD>') col++ if(col == 12) { timeObj.document.write('</TR>') col = 0 low++ if(low < 5) { timeObj.document.write('<TR><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=-1>' + two[low] + '年</FONT></TD>') } } } timeObj.document.write('</TR></TABLE>') timeObj.document.write('</CENTER></BODY>') timeObj.document.close() } function showText() { stopClock() timeObj = parent.highframe timeObj.document.open() timeObj.document.write('<BODY BGCOLOR=FAF9F5><CENTER>') timeObj.document.write('<TABLE WIDTH=600 CELLPADDING=5 border=1>') timeObj.document.write('<TR><TH COLSPAN=6 BGCOLOR=EFEFEF>') timeObj.document.write('陰曆 二十四 節氣') timeObj.document.write('</TH></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1>') timeObj.document.write('歲次, 月建, 日辰 ; 60 甲子<BR>') timeObj.document.write('</FONT></TD></TR><TR>') col = 0 for(i=1; i<13; i++) { mO = parseInt((12 + i + 1) % 12, 10) timeObj.document.write('<TD><FONT SIZE=-1>陰曆 ' + han[i-1] + '月</FONT></TD>') timeObj.document.write('<TD><FONT SIZE=-1>'+zol[mO]+', '+khi[mO]+', '+zhi[mO]+'月</FONT></TD>') col++ if(col == 3) { timeObj.document.write('</TR>') col = 0 } } timeObj.document.write('<TR><TD COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1>') timeObj.document.write('天干 ; 甲, 乙, 丙, 丁, 戊, 己, 庚, 辛, 壬, 癸<BR>') timeObj.document.write('</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1>') timeObj.document.write('地支 ; 子, 丑, 寅, 卯, 辰, 巳, 午, 未, 申, 酉, 戌, 亥<BR>') timeObj.document.write('</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1>') timeObj.document.write('12 節氣 ; 大雪, 小寒, 立春, 驚蟄, 淸明, 立夏, 芒種, 小暑, 立秋, 白露, 寒露, 立冬<BR>') timeObj.document.write('</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1>') timeObj.document.write('12 中氣 ; 冬至, 大寒, 雨水, 春分, 穀雨, 小滿, 夏至, 大暑, 處暑, 秋分, 霜降, 小雪<BR>') timeObj.document.write('</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1>') timeObj.document.write('冬至點; 子正, 春分點; 卯正, 夏至點; 午正, 秋分點; 酉正<BR>') timeObj.document.write('</TD></TR></TABLE>') timeObj.document.write('</CENTER>') timeObj.document.close() } function findKanzhi() { stopClock() inputKanzhi = document.calendarForm.kanzhiInput.selectedIndex putKanzhi = document.calendarForm.kanzhiInput.options[inputKanzhi].value putKanzhiList = document.calendarForm.kanzhiInput.selectedIndex if (putKanzhiList > 12) { zhiYear = parseInt(putKanzhiList % 12, 10) } else if(putKanzhiList == 12) { zhiYear = 0 } else { zhiYear = putKanzhiList } animalZhi = animal[zhiYear] baseKanzhi = allKanzhi[putKanzhiList] if(putKanzhiList + 4 > 60) { baseYear = parseInt((putKanzhiList + 4) % 60, 10) } else { baseYear = putKanzhiList + 4 } // === write the kanzhi calendar table === timeObj = parent.highframe timeObj.document.open() timeObj.document.write('<BODY BGCOLOR=FAF9F5><CENTER>') timeObj.document.write('<TABLE WIDTH=600 CELLPADDING=5 border=1>') timeObj.document.write('<TR><TH BGCOLOR=EFEFEF>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=굴림 SIZE=+1>') timeObj.document.write(baseKanzhi + '年') timeObj.document.write('</TH></TR><TR><TD>') timeObj.document.write('<TABLE CELLPADDING=5><TR><TD ALIGN=middle>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT FACE=Arial SIZE=-1>') for(i=-135; i<0; i++) { findoutKanzhi1 = baseYear + 60 * i - 1; timeObj.document.write(findoutKanzhi1 + ', ') } for(i=0; i<135; i++) { findoutKanzhi2 = baseYear + 60 * i; timeObj.document.write(findoutKanzhi2 + ', ') } timeObj.document.write('</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>') timeObj.document.write('</TD></TR></TABLE>') timeObj.document.write('<FONT SIZE=-1><B>' + animalZhi + '띠 ; </B> ') timeObj.document.write('檢索基準年 : 西曆 ' + baseYear + ' 年 (+- 8000).') timeObj.document.write('</FONT></CENTER>') timeObj.document.close() } function thisMonth() { if(document.calendarForm.yearInput.value == 0) { alert(' 0年은 없습니다 ') return } else { putYear = document.calendarForm.yearInput.value putMonth = document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex } stopClock() inputMonth(putYear, putMonth) } function preYear() { if(document.calendarForm.yearInput.value == 1) { document.calendarForm.yearInput.value = -1 putMonth = document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex putYear = document.calendarForm.yearInput.value } else { putMonth = document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex putYear = --document.calendarForm.yearInput.value } stopClock() inputMonth(putYear, putMonth) } function preMonth() { if(document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex < 1) { if(document.calendarForm.yearInput.value == 1) { document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex = 11 document.calendarForm.yearInput.value = -1 putMonth = document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex putYear = document.calendarForm.yearInput.value } else { document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex = 11 putMonth = document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex putYear = --document.calendarForm.yearInput.value } } else { putMonth = --document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex putYear = document.calendarForm.yearInput.value } stopClock() inputMonth(putYear, putMonth) } function nextMonth() { if(document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex > 10) { if(document.calendarForm.yearInput.value == -1) { document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex = 0 document.calendarForm.yearInput.value = 1 putMonth = document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex putYear = document.calendarForm.yearInput.value } else { document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex = 0 putMonth = document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex putYear = ++document.calendarForm.yearInput.value } } else { putMonth = ++document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex putYear = document.calendarForm.yearInput.value } stopClock() inputMonth(putYear, putMonth) } function nextYear() { if(document.calendarForm.yearInput.value == -1) { document.calendarForm.yearInput.value = 1 putMonth = document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex putYear = document.calendarForm.yearInput.value } else { putMonth = document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex putYear = ++document.calendarForm.yearInput.value } stopClock() inputMonth(putYear, putMonth) } function inputMonth(putYear, putMonth) { stopClock() millYear = parseInt(eval(putYear), 10) month = putMonth + 1 millMonth = ((month < 10) ? '0' : '') + month millDate = ((dates < 10) ? '0' : '') + dates getFirstDayYear() getFirstDayMonth() getAllKanzhi() showKanzhiCalendar() } function curMonth() { stopClock() current = new Date() years = current.getYear() months = current.getMonth() dates = current.getDate() month = months + 1 millYear = (years < 2000) ? (1900 + years) : years millMonth = ((months + 1 < 10) ? '0' : '') + (months + 1) millDate = ((dates < 10) ? '0' : '') + dates getFirstDayYear() getFirstDayMonth() getAllKanzhi() showCalendar() } function startCalendar() { stopClock() ini = new Date() years = ini.getYear() iniYear = (years < 2000) ? (1900 + years) : years iniMonth = ini.getMonth() document.calendarForm.yearInput.value = iniYear document.calendarForm.monthInput.selectedIndex = iniMonth curMonth() } // --> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=FAF9F5 onLoad="startCalendar()"> <CENTER> <FORM NAME="calendarForm"> <FONT FACE="바탕" SIZE=+2> 萬歲曆 </FONT> <FONT SIZE=-1>: 기원전은 년도 앞 머리에 " - "를 기입하십시요. 예; -2697</FONT> <TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD ALIGN=middle HEIGHT=50 BGCOLOR=EDEBE2> <HR SIZE=4 WIDTH=95%> <INPUT TYPE="text" MAXLENGTH=5 NAME="yearInput" VALUE="2004" SIZE=5> <SELECT NAME="monthInput"> <OPTION> 1월 <OPTION> 2월 <OPTION> 3월 <OPTION> 4월 <OPTION> 5월 <OPTION> 6월 <OPTION> 7월 <OPTION> 8월 <OPTION> 9월 <OPTION> 10월 <OPTION> 11월 <OPTION> 12월 </SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="달력" onClick="thisMonth()"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="<<" onClick="preYear()"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" < " onClick="preMonth()"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" > " onClick="nextMonth()"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=">>" onClick="nextYear()"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="오늘" onClick="startCalendar()"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="시간" onClick="showKanzhiHour()"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="월건" onClick="showWolgon()"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="절기" onClick="showText()"> <SELECT NAME="kanzhiInput"> <OPTION VALUE=甲子>1 甲子 <OPTION VALUE=乙丑>2 乙丑 <OPTION VALUE=丙寅>3 丙寅 <OPTION VALUE=丁卯>4 丁卯 <OPTION VALUE=戊辰>5 戊辰 <OPTION VALUE=己巳>6 己巳 <OPTION VALUE=庚午>7 庚午 <OPTION VALUE=辛未>8 辛未 <OPTION VALUE=壬申>9 壬申 <OPTION VALUE=癸酉>10 癸酉 <OPTION VALUE=甲戌>11 甲戌 <OPTION VALUE=乙亥>12 乙亥 <OPTION VALUE=丙子>13 丙子 <OPTION VALUE=丁丑>14 丁丑 <OPTION VALUE=戊寅>15 戊寅 <OPTION VALUE=己卯>16 己卯 <OPTION VALUE=庚辰>17 庚辰 <OPTION VALUE=辛巳>18 辛巳 <OPTION VALUE=壬午>19 壬午 <OPTION VALUE=癸未>20 癸未 <OPTION VALUE=甲申>21 甲申 <OPTION VALUE=乙酉>22 乙酉 <OPTION VALUE=丙戌>23 丙戌 <OPTION VALUE=丁亥>24 丁亥 <OPTION VALUE=戊子>25 戊子 <OPTION VALUE=己丑>26 己丑 <OPTION VALUE=庚寅>27 庚寅 <OPTION VALUE=辛卯>28 辛卯 <OPTION VALUE=壬辰>29 壬辰 <OPTION VALUE=癸巳>30 癸巳 <OPTION VALUE=甲午>31 甲午 <OPTION VALUE=乙未>32 乙未 <OPTION VALUE=丙申>33 丙申 <OPTION VALUE=丁酉>34 丁酉 <OPTION VALUE=戊戌>35 戊戌 <OPTION VALUE=己亥>36 己亥 <OPTION VALUE=庚子>37 庚子 <OPTION VALUE=辛丑>38 辛丑 <OPTION VALUE=壬寅>39 壬寅 <OPTION VALUE=癸卯>40 癸卯 <OPTION VALUE=甲辰>41 甲辰 <OPTION VALUE=乙巳>42 乙巳 <OPTION VALUE=丙午>43 丙午 <OPTION VALUE=丁未>44 丁未 <OPTION VALUE=戊申>45 戊申 <OPTION VALUE=己酉>46 己酉 <OPTION VALUE=庚戌>47 庚戌 <OPTION VALUE=辛亥>48 辛亥 <OPTION VALUE=壬子>49 壬子 <OPTION VALUE=癸丑>50 癸丑 <OPTION VALUE=甲寅>51 甲寅 <OPTION VALUE=乙卯>52 乙卯 <OPTION VALUE=丙辰>53 丙辰 <OPTION VALUE=丁巳>54 丁巳 <OPTION VALUE=戊午>55 戊午 <OPTION VALUE=己未>56 己未 <OPTION VALUE=庚申>57 庚申 <OPTION VALUE=辛酉>58 辛酉 <OPTION VALUE=壬戌>59 壬戌 <OPTION VALUE=癸亥>60 癸亥 </SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="검색" onClick="findKanzhi()"> <HR SIZE=4 WIDTH=95%> </TD></TR></TABLE> </FORM> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML> ****************************** end **************************************************************